Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization ( Sindhu Saraswati Civilization ) got its name by the place it was located. It was located in todays India, Pakistan, Afganistan and a little bit of Iran, it was flourishing near the Indus River that is why it is called the Indus Valley Civilization, The Indus river was connected to the Saraswati river and many people lived by that are as well that is why it is also called the Sindhu Saraswati Civilization.

The Indus Valley Civilization had been found because of the city Harappa which led to the finding of many cities like Mohenjo-Daro, Dholavira, Rakhigadi and the Civilization and also many more cities.

The Indus Valley Civilization had many writings but till now nobody has been able to decode the writing. The Indus Valley Civilization also was very good in arts they created many statues from stone and bronze.
Women of the Indus Valley Civilization had to do the household chores while most of the men did farming, which Dholavira transported to Egypt, Mesopotamia, etc. The people of the Indus valley Civilization mainly grew pulses and lentils like, peas, chickpeas, green gram, black gram etc. Their main staples were wheat and barley. So they mainly ate food like this.

Till now there is no proof of a rulers rule found in the Civilization so we think that there might be a panchayat system (Five leader decision system).


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